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Refund of Contributions

What are the requirements to receive a refund as a lump sum?

For those born before 1970 with seagoing service scheme

Pensionable sea service between 36 and 149 months may, under certain conditions, entitle you to a refund of contributions upon reaching pension age:

You are not eligible for a refund of contributions if you receive 100% disability pension, work assessment allowance, or public AFP (contractual early retirement pension) from the National Insurance Scheme at pension age. It is also a requirement that you must have ceased earning pensionable sea service.

You must remember to apply before turning 67, as the right to a refund of contributions expires at age 67.

To apply for a refund of contributions, submit your application on the website mpk.no.


For those born on or after January 1, 1970, or who started working at sea for the first time after January 1, 2020:

A refund of contributions does not apply in the new scheme. This is because ongoing pensions are provided after three years of service.
